This is not a complicated process but is a requirement for “activating” your cannabis prior to making edibles.
If you do not perform this step you will have butter which will not get you High. You will still extract some of the things which may have medicinal properties but the full relaxation benefits will not be present.
The process takes less than an hour and is not Rocket Science.
Simply follow the steps listed below and you will ensure that the full benefits of your particular strain of Cannabis will be available.
1. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees F.
2. Coarsely grind up all of your product as if it were to be rolled in a joint. Not too fine, break it up coarsely!
3. Spread it all out evenly on a cookie sheet to ensure a good even ability for heat to get to every little crumb. I like to use parchment paper under my weed for this.
4. Bake for 40 minutes to allow for proper decarboxylation. Its good to mix it up a bit every 10 minutes.
Your Cannabis is now ready for direct consumption or the next step of making………
Gummy Treats